Quick Couplings

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What are Pneumatic Couplers? How They Work?

2024-05-27T11:39:28+08:0005/25/2024|Categories: Faq, Tech Archives|Tags: , , , , , |

Pneumatic coupler is used to connect compressed air tools to a compressed air line. It allows a tool to be easily connected or disconnected to a hose or pipe while it is under pressure.

BSP vs NPT Thread What’s the Difference?

2022-09-21T10:09:09+08:0007/18/2016|Categories: Tech Archives|Tags: , , , , |

The two most popular thread styles of the Quick Couplings in the world are British Standard Pipe (BSP) and National Pipe Taper (NPT). They are the international standard for joining fittings and pipes.

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